Sep 18, 2023
Close-up view of brakes being repaired

While driving, your brakes are your vehicle’s number-one safety feature. It’s therefore essential to keep your brake pads, rotors, calipers, and hoses in tip-top condition at all times. If you ever notice the following indications of trouble, visit your nearest Honda dealership for brake repair right away.

6 Signs Your Honda Needs a Brake Repair

Leaking Brake Fluid

Brake hoses are filled with brake fluid, which maintains hydraulic pressure and allows your foot on the pedal to send the stopping signal to the brake calibers. If your brake fluid ever leaks, this hydraulic pressure will be reduced, which might interfere with your ability to stop your car. Always keep an eye out for a puddle of leaking brake fluid on the ground when you pull away from parking. 

Unresponsive Brakes

If your brakes ever feel soft or spongy, it’s best to pull over carefully and try to figure out what’s wrong. You may have a brake fluid leak. Alternatively, your brakes might be temporarily overheated from excessive use. 

Burning Smells

When brakes are used continuously for long periods of driving, they can sometimes overheat. This causes various problems, including a loss of stopping power. If your brakes overheat, you might also detect a burning smell in the cabin above. 

Pulling to One Side

Brake problems usually develop on one side of the car or the other, rather than on both sides at once. Because of this, you might notice a slight pulling to the left or right when you press the brake pedal. The underlying brake problem will usually be on the same side as the direction your car is pulling. 

Screeching or Grinding Sounds

Brake pads are designed to emit a high-pitched screeching sound when they’ve worn down so far that they’re almost finished. If you ever hear this screeching sound, have a technician replace the worn-out pad. 

If a worn-out brake pad isn’t quickly replaced, the metal casing will start scraping directly against the rotor disc. This will generate a loud grinding sound and cause damage to the rotor. 

Vibrating Brake Pedal

Brake rotors are very durable but can still become damaged as they age or if they overheat. If one of your rotors gets scored or begins to warp out of shape, you’re likely to feel rhythmic vibrations through the brake pedal.

Have Frequent Brake Servicing at Your Honda Dealership

It’s generally recommended to have brakes serviced every 20,000 or 60,000 miles, depending on how much you use them. Many drivers opt to have their brakes checked each time they have their oil changed. This regular six-month interval is a good way to ensure your brakes remain safe to use. 

Visit Power Honda today to have your brakes inspected and repaired. No matter the car problem, our experienced technicians consistently provide prompt and high-quality customer service.