Aug 25, 2023
Man performing full vehicle service

Your Honda needs regular servicing to keep it performing at its best. In time, components will age and wear out. The service schedule in your car manual provides the best blueprint for the services you need and when you need them. Your Honda dealership in Albany, OR has a complete range of services to take care of all your car’s needs. These are some of the services we provide.

3 Essential Services You’ll Find at Your Honda Dealership in Albany, OR

Radiator Repair and Replacement

Your radiator has one of the ​​​​​​​​most strenuous roles of any of the engine components. The radiator is responsible for removing heat from your engine by heat exchange. Engine heat is captured by liquid coolant and transferred to the radiator. Inside the radiator, the heat is removed by cooler air from the radiator grille flowing over the hot coolant.

The radiator operates under conditions of extreme heat and pressure. In the long term, these conditions can lead to metal fatigue, damage to radiator hoses, or coolant leaks. A radiator that’s not operating at peak performance can rapidly cause your engine to overheat. If your temperature gauge rises, call our service department right away. Depending on the situation, we’ll repair our radiator or install a new one for you.

Brake Repairs

Your brakes are the best way to control your car’s speed. This makes them essential in preventing an accident, as good brakes enable you to quickly stop exactly when you need to. Some brake components can wear down as they work, though, like the brake pads. Other braking components can become damaged due to age or damage.

Problems with the braking system can also cause damage to other parts of your car. Your tires and axles will suffer additional wear if your brakes are worn. Our technicians can service your brakes and check that all components are in good working condition. During a brake service, we’ll also replace your brake fluid and install new brake pads.

Fluid Leaks

One of the most visible signs of a problem with your car is a fluid leak. Your Honda contains a variety of fluids, including brake fluid, coolant, transmission fluid, oil, AC refrigerant, and engine oil. Each of these fluids has an important role to play in your car. Fluid leaks can usually be identified by a pool of liquid underneath your car.

Some fluids can leak into your car, for example, oil or coolant. The first sign you see of an internal leak is a change in exhaust smoke. An oil leak causes exhaust smoke to turn blue, while a coolant leak makes exhaust smoke thick and white. Our technicians are experts at tracing and identifying any leaks. Once we’ve identified the source of the leak, we’ll repair it.

To learn more about our services, or to book a service, call us today at Power Honda.