Nov 7, 2022

Most drivers fear a transmission problem. They’ve heard a transmission repair is expensive and time-consuming. In reality, most transmission problems can be quickly and cheaply fixed. As your Honda dealer, we’re experts on your transmission and can repair any problem. These are some signs that your transmission has a problem.

Do You Need a Transmission Repair at Your Honda Dealer?

Check Engine Light Comes On

The check engine light illuminates to warn there’s a problem with your engine. Your engine and transmission, however, work together to enable your car to move. They are also physically linked by the torque converter. The power supplied by your engine is converted into usable energy to move your car’s wheels by the transmission.

If your transmission isn’t working as it should, this places additional strain on your engine. This strain can manifest in numerous ways depending on the exact transmission problem. In all cases, however, sensors in your engine will detect a problem and report it to your car’s computer. This will activate the check engine light. We advise coming to see us so we can find and fix the cause of the problem,

Slipping Gears

Your gears are designed to move smoothly and effortlessly in response to the instructions from your transmission computer. Once in gear, your transmission should only shift again when ordered to do so by the computer. Slipping gears is a scary situation where your transmission will randomly shift gears for no apparent reason.

Usually, automatic transmission with this problem will shift to its previous gear. This can be dangerous and alarming if your transmission suddenly shifts from drive to park. The unexpected shifting can damage gears, gear teeth, and other parts of the transmission. One possible cause of a shifting problem is a lack of transmission fluid. The fluid provides the hydraulic power to shift your gears. A lack of fluid will also make your transmission less responsive.

Leaking Transmission Fluid

Transmission fluid flows through your transmission and provides numerous benefits as it does so. This fluid provides a friction-resistant coating over the transmission components and protects them from damage. It helps to reduce the transmission temperature by cooling the heat generated by constant friction. The fluid also provides hydraulic power to shift your gears.

Transmission fluid leaks are usually easy to spot as the fluid is red or dark red and smells slightly sweet. A transmission leak is a problem that must be fixed ASAP. If you drive with a leaking transmission, this can cause the transmission to overheat and suffer additional damage. We advise contacting us immediately so we can fix the leak to protect your transmission.

If you see any of these signs, call us immediately at Power Honda.